
Once our members, always our members.

Principal Investigator

Kazuharu Ohashi

Assistant Professor  2004 – Present

Email: kohashi (at) 

  • Cognitive abilities of pollinators and their effects on the evolution of floral phenotypes
  • Consequences of floral trait combinations for male/female fitness through changes in pollinator behavior
  • The evolution of floral phenotypes in multispecies interactions


Kentaro Takagi

Mechanisms of changes in floral constancy of bumble bees with varying spatial arrangement of flowers


Sota Anazawa

Ayumu Tanaka

Nagisa Wada

Effects of visual fusion and floral color aspects against different backgrounds on pollinator detection of inflorescences

Adaptive significance of compact inflorescences in floral generalization for diverse pollinators

Patterns of pollinator movement and anther/stigma contacts on heterospecific pollen transfer


Takami Konishi

Sara Okajima

Nozomi Takeuchi

Effects of flower orientation and corolla morphology on pollination efficiency in butterfly-pollinated flowers

Variation in flight ability among hawkmoths and the resultant diversity of their favorite floral phenotypes (tentative)

Cognitive causes of individual variation in priority of speed and accuracy in foraging bumble bees


Ikue Suzuki

Effects of colour similarity on pollination facilitation between sequentially blooming plants


Serika Suwa

                                              under consideration

Alumnae & Alumni (but still our members!)

Yukine Kawamura

Kohei Terada

Maika Uehara

Nina Jirgal (Univ. Manchester)

Kaori Miyazaki

Marie Yamaguchi

Minori Okubo

Rei Onishi

Relationship between floral color aspects and pollinator attraction in floral color-changing plants    collaboration continuing

Evaluation of different pollinator groups from the perspective of pollen-species composition on their bodies

Exploring aspects of floral display that enhance visual detection by pollinators

Effects of flower orientation and symmetry on the approach consistency of bumble bees

Effects of color-scent differences on competition and facilitation among flower species in bumble-bee attraction

How does floral morphology affect the likelihood of heterospecific pollen deposition at pollinator visits?

How do differences in petal size and color properties alter the guidance effect of bull's-eye marks?

 Associations between floral trait syndromes and visitor communities

If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.


African proverb