1. Ohashi, K. and T. Yahara (1998) Effects of variation in flower number on pollinator visits in Cirsium pupuratum (Astereaceae). American Journal of Botany 85(2): 219-224.
2. Ohashi, K. and T. Yahara (1999) How long to stay on, and how often to visit a flowering plant? - a model for foraging strategy when floral displays vary in size. Oikos 86(2): 386-392.
3. Ohashi, K. and T. Yahara (2000) Effects of flower production and pre-dispersal seed predation on reproduction in Cirsium purpuratum. Canadian Journal of Botany 78(2): 230-236.
4. Ohashi, K. and T. Yahara (2002) Visit larger displays but probe proportionally fewer flowers: counterintuitive behaviour of nectar-collecting bumble bees achieves an ideal free distribution. Functional Ecology 16(4): 492-503.
5. Ohashi, K. (2002) Consequences of floral complexity for bumble-bee-mediated geitonogamous self pollination in Salvia nipponica Miq. (Labiatae). Evolution 56(12): 2414-2423.
6. Ohashi, K. and J. D. Thomson (2005) Efficient harvesting of renewing resources. Behavioral Ecology 16(3):592-605.
7. Kawaguchi, L. G., K. Ohashi, and Y. Toquenaga (2006) Do bumble bees save time when choosing novel flowers by following conspecifics? Functional Ecology 20(2): 239-244.
8. Saleh, N ., K. Ohashi, J. D. Thomson, and L. Chittka (2006) Facultative use of repellent scent mark in foraging bumblebees: complex vs. simple flowers. Animal Behaviour 71(4): 847-854.
9. Kawaguchi, L. G., K. Ohashi, and Y. Toquenaga (2007) Contrasting responses of bumble bees to feeding conspecifics on their familiar and unfamiliar flowers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 274(1626): 2661-2667.
10. Makino, T. T., K. Ohashi, and S. Sakai (2007) How do floral display size and the density of surrounding flowers influence the likelihood of bumble-bee revisitation to a plant? Functional Ecology 21(1): 87-95.
11. Ohashi, K., J. D. Thomson, and D. D'Souza (2007) Trapline foraging by bumble bees: IV. Optimization of route geometry in the absense of competitors. Behavioral Ecology 18(1): 1-11.
12. Yoshioka, Y., K. Ohashi, A. Konuma, H. Iwata, R. Ohsawa, and S. Ninomiya (2007) Ability of bumblebees to discriminate differences in the shape of artificial flowers of Primula sieboldii (Primulaceae). Annals of Botany 99(6): 1175-1182.
13. Ohashi, K., A. Leslie, and J. D. Thomson (2008) Trapline foraging by bumble bees: V. Effects of experience and priority on competitive performance. Behavioral Ecology 19(5): 936-948.
14. Ohashi, K. and J. D. Thomson (2009) Trapline foraging by pollinators: its ontogeny, economics and possible consequences for plants. Annals of Botany 103(9): 1365-1378.
15. Ohashi, K., D. D'Souza, and J. D. Thomson (2010) An automated system for tracking and identifying individual nectar foragers at multiple feeders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64(5): 891-897.
16. Ohashi, K. and J. D. Thomson (2013) Trapline foraging by bumble bees: VI. Behavioral alterations under speed-accuracy trade-offs. Behavioral Ecology 24(1): 182-189.
17. Ohashi, K., A. Leslie, and J. D. Thomson (2013) Trapline foraging by bumble bees: VII. Adjustments for foraging success following competitor removal. Behavioral Ecology 24(3): 768-778.
18. Suzuki, M. F. and K. Ohashi (2014) How does a floral colour‐changing species differ from its non‐colour‐changing congener? – a comparison of trait combinations and their effects on pollination. Functional Ecology 28(3): 549-560.
19. Ohashi, K., T. T. Makino, and K. Arikawa (2015) Floral colour change in the eyes of pollinators: testing possible constraints and correlated evolution. Functional Ecology 29(9): 1144-1155.
20. Funamoto, D., and K. Ohashi (2017) Hidden floral adaptation to nocturnal moths in an apparently bee-pollinated flower, Adenophora triphylla var. japonica (Campanulaceae). Plant Biology 19(5): 767-774.
21. Makino, T., K. Ohashi (2017) Honest signals to maintain a long-lasting relationship: floral colour change prevents plant-level avoidance by experienced pollinators. Functional Ecology 31(4): 831-837.
22. Ohashi, K. and A. Jürgens (2021) Three options are better than two: compensatory nature of different pollination modes in Salix caprea L. Journal of Pollination Ecology (SCAPE Special Issue) 28(2021): 75-90. Appendixはこちら。
23. Ohashi, K., A. Jürgens, and J. D. Thomson (2021) Trade-off mitigation: a conceptual framework for understanding floral adaptation in multispecies interactions. Biological Review 96(5): 2258-2280. プレスリリースはこちら。
24. Jirgal, N., and K. Ohashi (2023) Effects of floral symmetry and orientation on the consistency of pollinator entry angle. The Science of Nature - Naturwissenschaften 110: 19. プレスリリースはこちら。
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